Assessment Type
English & Maths
On-going teacher assessment is central to pupils making good progress. In both English and maths, children work in core books, which are regularly marked by teaching staff. Clear feedback, both written and verbal, is given to help pupils understand their next steps. Feedback is specific and detailed, linking to the learning challenge set so children know how well they have done in their learning. WE have found that ‘in the moment’ feedback, often verbal is the most effective way to develop learning.
Teachers are required to update the school tracking system, Target Tracker, termly. Staff use their knowledge of pupils alongside evidence seen in books, to evidence where a pupil is working against end of year, age related expectations. |
Staff are trained to use this assessment system to create and print reports that highlight steps of progress made by pupils and groups of pupils and identify where gaps in learning have occurred. Such information is used by teachers to adapt their planning and approach to the teaching cycle in order to meet the needs of all pupils and secure good pupil progress.
This information is used during termly progress meetings. Transition meetings at the end of the academic year enable staff to share information about every pupil with the next class teacher. |
At Kingslea Primary School, we use formative assessments in every year group, for reading, grammar, punctuation and spelling, and maths. These tests are administered at the end of each term.
The rationale for our use of summative tests is:
• To validate and quality-assure ongoing teacher assessment. • To provide coherent and consistent evidence across the school of progress made by pupils. |