The aim of Kingslea Primary School is to provide a wide range of opportunities for children to develop as independent, confident, successful learners with high aspirations who are able to make positive contributions to their community and beyond.
As well as ensuring both coverage and progression the school’s focus on curriculum development is thoughtfully designed to provide broad, balanced, rich, deep and relevant learning experiences as highlighted in our ‘Kingslea Charter' (developed in 2015).
The school is inclusive and provides a stimulating environment that meets the needs and interests of all learners. Pupils at all levels are helped to achieve their potential.
Our curriculum provides pupils with memorable experiences, in addition to diverse and rich opportunities from which children can learn and develop a range of subject specific and transferable skills and knowledge. It aims to raise aspirations, develop a sense of personal pride in achievement and provide a purpose and relevance to learning.
As children progress through the school they will develop high expectations of themselves in terms of their learning and behaviour; they will be encouraged to be independent learners who can also work cooperatively with others. They will develop support skills towards their peers and organisational skills to support their learning.
Our curriculum is delivered through a knowledge-engaged approach where knowledge and skills are intertwined. Each year group follows three Learning Journeys across the year. The journeys are designed around Geography, History and Science and link closely to English and Maths wherever possible. The Learning Journeys are fluid and are able to change (within coverage) to reflect events, teacher skills, knowledge and interest.
Subject leaders play an important part in the success of the curriculum through a regular programme of monitoring, evaluation and review. This ensures that any curriculum developments/changes are incorporated into whole school practice. Our curriculum ensures that the needs of individual and groups of children can be met within high quality first teaching, supported by targeted interventions where appropriate and so has a positive effect on pupil outcomes.
The curriculum is enriched by high quality visits and visitors in to the school and by the wide range of before and after school clubs on offer.