At Kingslea Primary School we aim to provide everyone with the highest of quality education no matter their background or where they have come from. We strive to ensure that every child is nurtured and are comfortable in order for them to be at their best, providing and strong and stable platform for them to excel in reaching their potential.
We hope that every child with English as an Additional Language, feels valued among our community by receiving learning that is scaffolded and clearly modelled to meet their individual needs, enabling all children to achieve the equal outcome accomplished by every child. With such a high proportion of EAL children attending our school, we also aim to work closely with all families whether they have been part of our community for a number of years or if that have recently moved into the area. These strong relationships will ensure that every child can received a wide range of curricular and extra-curricular opportunities.
Primarily, all classroom activities have clear learning objectives and support. All lesson plans identify the demands of the National Curriculum and provide scaffolded opportunities, matched to individual pupils’ needs. Resources are deployed to ensure that all pupils participate in lessons to the best of their abilities. Staff shall frequently review groupings and setting arrangements, to ensure that EAL learners have appropriate access to strong English language peer models. All staff actively support children using their own language resources to make connections to similar known vocabulary and reinforce the assets of bilingualism amongst their students.
Provision to support our EAL learners is varied and meets individual pupil needs. All staff use a variety of support strategies to ensure curriculum access within the classroom environment. In all classrooms collaborative group work whereby children converse and reason in groups to complete a set task is frequently evident. All teachers provide enhanced and meaningful opportunities for speaking and listening within the classroom including the use of talking partners and purposeful role play. Similarly, all staff make effective use of additional verbal support including repetition, alternative phrasing and peer support while encouraging the use of writing frames to support children’s spoken and written sentence structure and giving the children regular opportunities to orally rehearse when writing sentences. It is also key to make maximum use of the classroom environment to provide additional visual support such as posters, objects, non-verbal clues, images and an interactive white board. Additionally, we are grateful we have access to bilingual resources including but not limited to, dictionaries, on-line support, dual language texts and key word lists.
Furthermore, we also support our EAL learners outside the classroom, throughout the school, in a number of methods. We have introduced the school’s ‘Language of the Moment’ display and ensured that it is visible for all children to access and resources are available on the school network for staff to access and use with their class. Our ‘Young Interpreters Group‘ has regular training to support new EAL children entering school or those that are at the early stages of acquisition of the English language. We host events are held termly for EAL pupils to spend quality time together, sharing previous experiences and knowledge of their cultures and languages. We also actively encourage parents of EAL children to support in class with small groups or to participate in school-wide events, such as International Day.
Our provisions for EAL pupils have proved successful as the vast majority of our EAL pupils have shown to make very good progress from their starting points. We also know that through frequent pupil interviews EAL pupils are happy and enthusiastic and their learning providing excellent platforms for them to achieve their potentials.
Through actively valuing our diversity and the resources our EAL pupils provide to our school it encourages the children to feel welcome and included, supporting their social, cultural and linguistic needs. This has also encouraged the pupils to play a more active role in lessons, enhancing their English language acquisition, and as shown by the data, benefitting their academic achievements and aspirations.
Children at Kingslea Primary School have made excellent progress in their English proficiency and are able to use English coherently, confidently and consistency as a means to learn effectively throughout all subjects areas of the curriculum and use their own knowledge of other languages to support their education and wellbeing.