At Kingslea we aim to inspire all children to succeed and excel in a broad range of physical activities. The PE curriculum is planned covering the skills and knowledge/content themes from the National Curriculum for Key Stage 1 and 2 and the EYFS for the Foundation Stage.
All activities planned, develop the skills and control that they need to take part in PE and sport, including competitive sport and embed values such as fairness and respect. We ensure that children are physically active for sustained periods of time leading to an understanding of the importance of exercise and a love of sports.
We endeavour to help the children understand that PE and sport are an important part of an active lifestyle needed for a balanced and healthy future.
Opportunities are provided for children to take part in a range of competitive, creative and challenge-type activities, both as individuals and as part of a team or group, in this school and in a wide range of inter school competitions. Opportunities are accessible to all children throughout their time at Kingslea as support for children with SEND takes a variety of different forms. We aim to embed core values such as fairness, respect, teamwork and a love of PE and sport which they will maintain throughout their lives. In the Early Years PE is taught through dance, gymnastics and multi-skills. In Key Stage 1 children build on these skills and develop and apply to small sided games. In Key Stage 2 the core skills are developed and applied in games, gymnastics and dance. Competence in swimming is covered in Year 3.
There is a real sense of love for PE and sport throughout the school. There is a wide range of activities on offer for the children to experience with the opportunity to engage in new sports and develop their skills further. Proof of how much our children enjoy PE and sport is reflected in the high demand for extra-curricular clubs with the large number and wide range of inter school competitions we take part in.
The PE curriculum is continually updated and developed to ensure it meets the new National Curriculum and to allow children learn key knowledge, vocabulary and skills that are built upon each year. There is many extra opportunities for competitive sport. Children can take part in a wide range of tournaments/festivals throughout the year, both internally and with other schools.
The School Sports Premium has enabled us to employ a sport’s coach to help provide chances for PE and sport to be enhanced and developed leading to opportunities for all to experience high quality PE and sport.
The children of Kingslea wow'ed audiences with their performances at the Hawth. Please watch them for yourselves.
By the end of KS2 children have built their skills in teamwork, paired work and individual performance at Kingslea.
They have experienced and participated in a wide range of sports and activities throughout their time at Kingslea.
They have also had the opportunity to attend a vast range of extracurricular clubs and represent the school in a variety of festivals and competitions.
Children are able to review the work they produce and know how to perfect it. From talking to the children, there is a clear understanding of the skills they have previously learnt, how new skills are built upon this knowledge and the direction they are progressing. Therefore, the PE and sport that the children create and perform at Kingslea is of a high standard.