Dear Parents/Carers, As a school, we should be one of the cornerstones of our local community, keeping children safe and instilling a love of learning in those who, themselves, will grow up to shape the country in years to come Please click to read more Dear Parents/Carers, Fireworks We hope you enjoyed the fireworks; we thought it was a great success. A huge thank you to KLASS who organised the event and everyone who volunteered. You will have noticed that there wasn’t a BBQ this year: this was entirely down to the lack of parent volunteers. Whilst every teacher volunteered their time, we were again short of parent helpers. Please click to read more Dear Parents/Carers, Thank you to everyone who attended parents’ evening; virtually every child in the school had a parent or carer who met with the teacher and looked through the books. The book fair seemed to be a great success with over £1600 worth of books sold and the school receiving £995 worth of credit to spend with Scholastic on new books for children and classrooms. That means a lot of books will be heading into classrooms. Please click to read more |
AuthorMr Conway Archives
November 2024