Dear Parents, As we come to the end of the term I’d thought I’d go through a few dates for the final two weeks and look forward to next term.
Read the full newsletter here Dear Parents, What a busy time it’s been since the last newsletter. Our reading workshop was very well attended, Reception have started Stay and Play, Year 5 have visited the British Museum, Y4 visited Brighton, Y6 were evacuated as part of their World War 2 learning journey, hundreds of parents attended the Big Draw, Year 3 and Year 4 flew in a hot air balloon and KLASS put on a fantastic firework night.
Read the full newsletter here Dear Parents,
Welcome back to all our children and parents; we hope you have had a lovely summer. The first few days of the new term have gone very, very well. It’s lovely to hear the teachers commenting on how impressed they are with their new class. Children have quickly settled into their new classes, learning new routines and expectations. Read the full newsletter here |
AuthorMr Conway Archives
January 2025