Dear Parents/Carers, Over the next few weeks there is a real focus on transition. On Wednesday, children are spending the morning in their new classroom with their new class teacher. On the same day Year 6 will visit their secondary schools and our new Reception children will be coming for another visit. Please click to read more. Dear Parents/Carers, It’s been a fantastic start to the final half-term of the year. The children are thoroughly enjoying their learning journeys, teachers are very pleased with the progress that the children are making and we are back on the field at lunchtimes. KS2 packed lunches are eating outside and all the classes are now playing on the field. KS1 are loving the building area, parachute games, exploring the woods with Mr Gear and their seems to be a craze for building houses out of cut grass. Please click to read more. Dear Parents/Carers, Welcome to the Summer Term. As you know one of the areas that we feel is a strength of the school are the trips, events and curriculum enhancements that we put on. At the end of the last term, Y5 visited Greenwich Museum as part of their Exploration Learning Journey, Y6 orienteered around Leechpool Woods to put their map reading skills into practice and in the last two weeks Y5 have visited the QM studio to record the lyrics and music they have written, Y4 have visited St. Mary’s Church and Horsham Park, and it was Kingslea Day at Horsham FC. Please click to read more. Dear Parents/Carers, As part of our continued development as a school and to ensure our focus on ‘Kindness, Curriculum and Expectations’ shines in all we do, we are pleased to be launching a new whole school values system at Kingslea from September.
Please click to read more. Dear Parents/Carers, Thank you to everyone for completing the parent questionnaire at parents' evening. You can see the results over the page. Whilst the ‘strongly agree’ / ‘agree’ percentages are incredibly high, it is the comments that I find very interesting as they are often insightful, thoughtful and balanced. It is quite refreshing to have a parent body that have high expectations of the school whilst at the same time are supportive and understanding of the context that schools have to work under. Please click to read more. Dear Parents/Carers, It was lovely to see you all at parents’ evening. I hope you got a chance to look at your child's books and after speaking to the class teacher have a good sense of how your child is doing at school. In the summer term, we are planning on having an open afternoon where you will be able to look at books, walk the school and meet your child’s new teacher.
Please click to read more. Dear Parents/Carers,
Welcome to our attendance newsletter; the aim is to promote the importance of attendance across the school community. Statistics show that pupils with good attendance have higher attainment in school and studies show that children with a higher attendance rate make better progress socially and academically. Please click to read more. Dear Parents/Carers, As a school, we should be one of the cornerstones of our local community, keeping children safe and instilling a love of learning in those who, themselves, will grow up to shape the country in years to come Please click to read more Dear Parents/Carers, Fireworks We hope you enjoyed the fireworks; we thought it was a great success. A huge thank you to KLASS who organised the event and everyone who volunteered. You will have noticed that there wasn’t a BBQ this year: this was entirely down to the lack of parent volunteers. Whilst every teacher volunteered their time, we were again short of parent helpers. Please click to read more Dear Parents/Carers, Thank you to everyone who attended parents’ evening; virtually every child in the school had a parent or carer who met with the teacher and looked through the books. The book fair seemed to be a great success with over £1600 worth of books sold and the school receiving £995 worth of credit to spend with Scholastic on new books for children and classrooms. That means a lot of books will be heading into classrooms. Please click to read more |
AuthorMr Conway Archives
July 2024