Dear Parents/Carers, Fireworks We hope you enjoyed the fireworks; we thought it was a great success. A huge thank you to KLASS who organised the event and everyone who volunteered. You will have noticed that there wasn’t a BBQ this year: this was entirely down to the lack of parent volunteers. Whilst every teacher volunteered their time, we were again short of parent helpers. Please click to read more Dear Parents/Carers, Thank you to everyone who attended parents’ evening; virtually every child in the school had a parent or carer who met with the teacher and looked through the books. The book fair seemed to be a great success with over £1600 worth of books sold and the school receiving £995 worth of credit to spend with Scholastic on new books for children and classrooms. That means a lot of books will be heading into classrooms. Please click to read more Dear Parents/Carers, It really has been an excellent first few weeks back. Reception have settled quickly into their new school and we’ve been impressed with their focus, kindness and purposefulness. Across the rest of the school, the teachers are really impressed with the children’s academic levels, their enthusiasm for learning and their home learning, including Numbots, Times Tables Rockstars and reading at home. Click to read more Dear Parents/Carers,
Welcome back after the summer break and a very special welcome to all our new families, whether you are starting in Reception or in other year groups. Mr Richmond, our Premises Manager, has been very busy over the holidays ensuring that the school is ready for the new school year and all contractors have completed their tasks. Please click to read more. |
AuthorMr Conway Archives
January 2025